Durgama Takeover


Boygs' Biotechnological Battle

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VS Tohaa

Heavy units of Svalarheima’s Winter Force, already present on Raveneye, received word that alien units of the Tohaa were deploying to capture a command and control beacon relaying classfied PanO command orders.

Heavy lift technology was used to move a PanOceanian response force to the battlefield. With TAGs already committed elsewhere on Raveneye, WinterFor decided to send two Boyg soldiers to the battle accompanied by Military Orders Infirmarers to keep them in tiptop shape for the battle, and a squad of Fusiliers led by a Karhu toting a fearsome feuerbach. Shona Carano was paid to accompany a Boyg armed with shorter range weaponry into battle.

The Tohaa forces, having the initiative, struck first. Jaan Staar, accompanied by a Symbiomate, advanced directly towards the Boyg carrying a missile launcher who was watching for movement from the Tohaa staging area. Proving the worth of his heavy armor, Jaan was completely unable to penetrate his armor with her viral pistol when her ECM was disabled, and a Fugazi managed to stun her Symbiomate and render it incapacitated for the remainder of the battle. A Sukeul with missile launcher landed a pinpoint missile on a Fusilier toting a missile launcher. The Fusilier’s armor largely held, but he was knocked unconscious by the force of the blast. With this path now clear, a Tohaa diplomatic delegate, proving the perfidy of the aliens even in how they name their units, moved forward and activated one of the consoles on the battlefield.

Springing into action, the Karhu laid down withering feuerbach fire at the Sukeul, disabling its alien armor and knocking it unconscious. Unfortunately, an alien bioengineer was nearby to fix this damage, but the path was clear for now. The Boyg toting MK12 moved forward to cover the advance as the Infirmarer activated a console as Shona Carano used her submachine gun to remove the diplomat. On the other flank, an Infirmarer much less valiantly attempted to down Jaan Staar with his monofilament blade, but was killed for his troubles. The Boyg, taking matters into his own hands, downed Jaan Staar with his heavy pistol and moved forward to watch the Tohaa advance again. Agnes Ferrara followed in his wake, attempting unsuccessfully to activate second console and took cover on a rooftop nearby.

The Tohaa forces responded quickly, using Eclipse smoke to move close to the Boyg missile launcher. A Makaul attempted to burn the Boyg down, but the advanced servos in the giant’s armor let him leap out of the way untouched. Neema fired her spitfire at the Boyg repeatedly, landing several devastating hits, but the Boyg’s armor held true. Bleeding but not down, he yielded ground as he backpedaled in the hopes that he could get around the corner to where the Fugazi could aid in the fight. The Kumotail doctor patched up the Sukeul, who again fired at the Fusilier. This time PanOceanian armor failed, and the Fusilier was no more. An Iago moved up and dropped his cloaking device to render the Boyg with MK12 unconscious, but was shot on his approach by the valiant Infirmarer’s shotgun and was able to do no more damage than that.

The Karhu took the opportunity to fire on the Sukeul again, weakened as it was, and knocked it off the battlefield with heavy armor piercing rounds. Moving forward with the three remaining Fusiliers, the Karhu was able to draw a bead on Neema and a Chaksa, downing both. The Fusiliers advanced towards the beacon, and the Boyg with missile launcher moved to watch the remnants of the Tohaa force on his flank, using his missile launcher to dispatch a Makaul on his way. The Infirmarer with the other Boyg used his medikit to revive the power armored trooper, dispatching the Igao on the way on orders of high command.

The Tohaa force, weakened but not broken, scrambled to gain a foothold. A Taagma Schemer used its breaker rifle to down the Boyg’s missile launcher, and the Tohaa commander advanced and used foul alien technology to assault the Karhu from an unseen position. Following this successful attack, he fired illegal viral rounds into the Boyg and knocked him unconscious again. Positioning themselves to defend the beacon against PanOceania’s highly trained regulars, they settled in.

Shona Carano rounded a corner and again used her submachine gun to put down the Tohaa commander. With the only hope to capture the beacon now in the hands of the PanOceania’s finest Fusiliers, they advanced one by one at the objective. A Makaul was knocked by the first Fusilier. They then moved towards the Kaeltar, firing their combi rifles. But the Kaeltar’s shotgun knocked each unconscious in succession. The Tohaa forces began to withdraw, leaving the battlefield in the hands of the Svalarheima detachment as victors.

A narrow victory it may be, but any victory for the Hyperpower is grand.

Svalarheima's Deployment
Alien Deployment
Neema's Team Engages the Boyg
The Boyg's Armor Proves Its Worth
Start of the Final Phase
The Boyg with MK12 Goes Down
Determined Tohaa Defense of the Beacon

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4 People Recommended Cerene for commendation

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