Durgama Takeover


Fighting infected knights

VS PanOceania

After action report of action in the Symbioresearch lab at the Zebu Research Center:

Dear Commander,

With the fresh order to assist in the evacuation of civilians and securing the research done at the Zebu Research Center during the biotechvore outbreak, my strike team was dispatched to the eastern end of the facility. An hour into the facility, a decision was made to separate my strike force into two, a small group to hold a safe ground for any of the rescued civilians to be held at before evacuation and the rest of the strike force heading further deeper into the facilities. Within minutes of heading into facility 52, we were engaged in a firefight with what looks like members of the Pan-Oceania Knightly Order of the Hospitaller and Magisters.

The immediate priority was to get my team out of the biotechvore zone and hold down the safe zone. Spreading out to the left and right, Triad 1 with the Makaul, kumotail and Sakiel took cover behind an armoury-like building, while Triad 2 led by the Draal Saboteur ran up left. The Sukuel and Kaeltar supported the Draal Triad advances, and even took a missile launcher shot to one of the Knight hospitaller amid biotechvore zone. Leading the rest of the chaksa auxiliars and Hatail Aelis, we head up the middle of the board in preparation of what is to come. Just as we were in positions, a montesa knight came crashing through the biotechvore zone, dispatching the 1st Triad before being incapacitate by the Sukuel. Further movement was observed where the knights were seen, with their last position on top of the building near the Draal. The Draal noted that the knights seem to be affected by the biotechvore, and he suspect that the Knights could have been infected by whatever bio-organism is in the vicinity beyond.

With the report from the Draal, I sent a Chaksa Auxiliar and Hatail Aelis to the front to investigate the knights’ condition further. What they saw confirmed that the knights were infected and were unable to differentiate between allies or enemies, as they fired on both the Chaksa and Hatail, before the Hatail seemingly dropped one of the knights. A cube jager was also radioed in to help try to resuscitate the makaul and sakiel on the right but he failed to hit with his medikit. The group of five knights then started their rampage forward, taking out the sukuel, the hatail, the Draal and the Chaksa, before holding up in the armoury-like building. The atrocity of the knight is compounded when one knight that looks like the famous Jeanne went to the Hatail and stabbed the already unconscious Hatail to death.

With much of my team down, I made the call to send in the cube jager to try and relieve the knights of their suffering. In a heroic sacrifice, he took out one of the Hospitaler knight doctor before getting taken out of action. I subsequent head forward and initated biotech warfare against the knights, rendering 2 addition knights incapacitated. Another haris of three magister knights then ran out towards me, taking me out before what remains of my team could pull my unconscious body out and back to friendly lines.

Reported by:
Alaidra, Taquel Officer, 10th Expedition

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