Durgama Takeover


This site has 136 achievements, and the last unlocked was Veteran of Kurage Crisis by  Tcional.

All of the available achievements with the name, avatar, and karma points for each.
Achievement Name XP Description
Achievement Name XP Description
Comms Specialist 5th Class 100

Awarded for reaching 10 published comments.

Comms Specialist 6th Class 25

Awarded for reaching 5 published comments.

Comms Specialist 7th Class 1

Awarded for publishing your first comment.

Conscripted 5

You have registered your commander profile.

Enter the War 5

Awarded for publishing your first battle report.

Held the line Alfutna: Geoscience Lecture Hall 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Alfutna: Geoscience Lecture Hall leaders.

Held the line Alfutna: Hangar Area 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Alfutna: Hangar Area leaders.

Held the line Cameliard: Guard Post 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Cameliard: Guard Post leaders.

Held the line Cameliard: Reliquary 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Cameliard: Reliquary leaders.

Held the line Darpan: Max-Sec Vault 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Darpan: Max-Sec Vault leaders.

Held the line Darpan: Xenofarm Gamma 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Darpan: Xenofarm Gamma leaders.

Held the line Gekidan: Itokawa Site 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Gekidan: Itokawa Site leaders.

Held the line Gekidan: Yukimura Center 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Gekidan: Yukimura Center leaders.

Held the line Raveneye Bow: Comms Room 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Raveneye Bow: Comms Room leaders.

Held the line Raveneye Bow: Sensoring Module 20

Defeat opponent to prevent them toppling your faction as Raveneye Bow: Sensoring Module leaders.