Durgama Takeover


Payback // Revancha

Yu Jing
VS Nomads

Two wrongs makes a right // Dos males hacen un bien.

After testing the Nomad's defenses on the Raveneye station and reporting for duty for the Durgama Defense Coalition, Crane Agent Liu Sheng was deputied the defense of the Xiandao 3D printing labs thanks to his service on the Yuandun division and his anti partisan instruction.

Not before long his assignment was put to the test as a unhautorized force was detected on the perimeter, giving Liu Sheng a chance to test the capacities of the forces under his command.

Mission: Countermeasures
First Turn
Objectives: HVT:Designation, Test Run, Predator
Having lost the initiative, our forces prepared for the offensive, the Uberfallkommando unit advanced but the Chimera got pulse flashed by our Chaiyi remote, Zoe goes in and heals it halting the advance, the Taskmaster and the Moira take advanced positions preparing for the counter-attack.
Our shaolin monk puts covering smoke that the Rui shi uses to surprise the taskmaster, causing some damage but failing to displace it, next our tiger soldier parachutes behind it taking down an advancing Morlock, the Mowang goes forward, downing the Moira and a coordinated order tries to dislodge the taskmaster but to no avail
Not much is done to comply with the designated objectives, but the demoralizing effect on the enemy is evident.

Second Turn
Predator is discarded, and replaced with Follow-up
The Taskmaster fires on the mowang and the Rui Shi spliting fire, but is brought down by the remote.
The chimera tries to take down the Rui Shi remote but is disabled, Zoe goes and recovers her scoring Test Run, Pi well advances trading shots with the Mowang and getting him on his repeater area which is used by Zoe to attack with carbonite, succeeding on immobilizing the Heavy infantry.
HVT Designation is discarded, replaced with Rescue, and Net Undermine is drawn.
We move to the offensive, trying to put covering smoke by the shaolin monk, but is downed by the combined fire of the chimera and Zoe, the Ruishi tries to brute force past them, splitting fire and putting down the Uberfallkommando whilst taking the hacking attacks from Zoe, moving out of her hacking zone to apply more gun to the problem does the trick and the hacker engineer is down.
Seizing the opportunity the Mowang tries to reset and regains control, then advances on the enemy and achieves Net Undermine, exchanges fire with Pi well without doing damage.

Third Turn
Extreme Prejudice is drawn
Kusanagi advances and takes Zoe out of the open with casevac wich will score Rescue and then trades fire with the Mowang, taking some damage, taking cover in a secure spot, Pi well tries to take the mowang down but also fails to damage him and takes cover next to Kusanagi out of LoF.
The Mowang goes into LoF with the HVT and scores Follow Up, then our Libertos goes into the offensive and poping up from the corner blasts away the grouped Kusanagi and Pi Well, killing the nun and leaving unconscious the remote, taking a shock round in return and going down himself.
Taking the initiative the Mowang goes in and crushes the remote underfoot scoring Extreme Prejudice.

Our three objetives where scored by a non-specialist unit, totally unexpected, gotta give praise to the Demon King.
Our Mowang takes his time crushing the problematic remote to score the objective.
Mowang dominated the table, dreading nothing at all. . .

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6 People Recommended AYAXS for commendation

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Yu Jing